Our Story

Our Strengths
We aim to provide an inclusive environment which reflects our larger community. Built around our core values, Milkshake Montessori endeavours to:
Welcome all staff and families from diverse backgrounds. We make efforts to celebrate religious holidays by encouraging children/adults of differing religions to share important occasions, cultural or otherwise.
Welcome children of all races, religion and additional or special needs; making every effort to ensure we can meet their needs as much as possible.
Consist of quality Montessori and Early Years trained staff. It means that in our hiring process, we attempt to ensure that our staff is just as reflective of our surrounding community and are from diverse backgrounds too.
Attain high levels of staff retention
Provide a Toddler, Pre-School and Aftercare curriculum within a calm, peaceful relaxing and homely atmosphere
Build a strong sense of community that permeates throughout our nursery environment. This sense of community is demonstrated in the way the classrooms reflect a home environment, in the way the staff communicate with and respect both children and Parents, and in the way parents work together to help build a better educational environment.

Working with Families
At Milkshake Montessori we recognise the importance of working with parents/carers and the whole family from the very first meeting.
- We have an ‘open door’ policy in which we encourage parents to share any of their ideas, opinions or concerns, whether that be a quick chat or arranged meetings outside of our annual parent evenings. We value the contribution they bring to the development and wellbeing of their children at nursery and of how that can then be carried on at home.
- That is why alongside daily contact and interaction with family members we welcome their support and views throughout the time that they are with us and beyond; and especially encourage the sharing of important events and home life.
- We are proud to provide many opportunities for such exchanges to occur within and outside of the nursery. For example we hold parents day when parents/carers and grandparents/relatives can come and spend some time with their child and their classmates through storytelling, sports days, Christmas fairs or even as professionals sharing their roles within their community and how they help us.